Thursday, March 3, 2011

This House

This house is breathing.. this house takes deep breaths and exhales memories and stories....  when the night rolls over the clouds that softly shadow the stars, whispers speak.... stop... you hear that... Another heart beat.. another pair of eyes that will reach out and capture the moments before them...  do you hear your walls whisper as the silence blankets over us all for the night....  whispers of scratched knees.. whispers of shadows that look like monsters.. ghosts.. and bats....  whispers of brothers.. babies.. and Ba-Ba's....  sit in the silence.. listen to the silence.. embrace the silence and the voice it brings...  listen to the one that lays beside you.. listen to the ones that sleep with dreams of pure potentiality, unlimited possibilities and fantasies beyond what this world has known....  Stop and listen to the heartbeats inside these walls.. this house is breathing... this house is sleeping... this house is making a home....