Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Survivor Redemption Island Episode 1


Survivor Redemption Island... episode 1....

Army helicopter flies dramatically over the ocean as everyone prays that Jeff accidentally falls out as he sits on the edge.  Not this season.  Does the army have nothing better to do in these countries then to fly game show hosts around???  Notice anyone missing in the helicopter?????  Drama!!!

stad on the mats please... oh wait there are 2 people missing... dun dun duuuunnnnnnn... bring in magnum P.I. and his chopper with BOSTON ROB!!!!!!!  and russel.....  cue the pre recorded boos!!!!  Rob gets orange.. russel gets purple.. start walking it rains here!!!

Hey they got tool boxes... rip them apart but don't look like you are looking for anything.. busted!!  Steal a shovel while everyone is working around camp, yeah they won't notice...  IDOL!!!!!  Hey where's J Lo.... ohhh wrong reality... damn...

Vote Rob out.. who are the other votes.. vote Rob out... I am in the secret service... vote Rob out!!  I can read emotions!!  PUT ON SOME DAMN PANTS PHILIP!!!!!!!

Hey we got three votes.. look I have an idol we are sooooo golden!!!!!  Philip here i have an Idol... I was in the secret service you know.... shut up and vote Rob.. and get some pants on!!!  Philip puts on shirt instead.

Immunity challenge!!!!  Just give the statue to Purple, no contest even though Rob tried to get his team going.. DIG IN!!  Russel - pssst Rob, look at my pretty statue!

Time to rally the troops... who should we vote Rob.. half of you vote this way half of you vote that way.. and don't screw it up!!!!!  Philip where are your damn pants?!?!?!?!  Vote Rob.. who else is voting with us.. I am in the secret service you know.. or I was.. that information is classified... do you have any pants with you Philip???

Grab your torches!!!

blah blah blah... Rob is not going anywhere tonight.. WHAT?!?!?  Thats not what you said back at camp franchise.. Francessca... sure whatever.. you said we were voting for Rob.. Shut up Philip.. no really you and me and her were supposed to vote Rob.. what happened... don;t know what you're talking about Philip....  No really.. you got the idol and you said vote for Rob.. You're crazy!!!  I was going to vote Natalie.. but you said Rob...  Give me the idol.. no... why... ummmmmmmm  Philip is in the secret service!!!!  Woah where did that come from!!!!  okay if we are done with this meltdown, go cast your votes!

Cue Dramatic music...  I love playing with amateurs.. thanks for the memories!!

Franchoosca.. Frantic.. Franhilda???  You sitting next to the person in the red dress.. you're going to REDEMPTION ISLAND!!!  DUN DUN DUUUNNNNNNNNN!!!!

Hey look Philip has pants!!!!!!

Next week.. Philip vs THE KILLER CRAB!!!!!!!  and Russel vs the Hillbilly